Handles the collection of ports
Desc: Get a list of ports limited by coordinates and types. Returns: JSON Object List of: id: INTEGER (The internal ID of the port) name: STRING (The name of the port) lat: FLOAT (Latitude) lng: FLOAT (Longitude) type: INTEGER (Number representing the port (see: types) Parameters (all optional): mila: FLOAT (Minimum latitude (inclusive) mala: FLOAT (Maximum latitude (inclusive) milo: FLOAT (Minimum longitude (inclusive) malo: FLOAT (Maximum longitude (inclusive) pt: ARRAY of INTEGER (Limit to port type(s)) Status code: 200 on OK Example: http://marinwiki.se/api/v1.0/ports/list http://marinwiki.se/api/v1.0/ports/list?mila=50.12&mala=60.1&milo=13.32&malo=22.12 http://marinwiki.se/api/v1.0/ports/list?mila=50.12&mala=60.1&milo=13.32&malo=22.12&pt[]=1 http://marinwiki.se/api/v1.0/ports/list?mila=50.12&mala=60.1&milo=13.32&malo=22.12&pt[]=2&pt[]=3
Desc: Get full information about a port. Returns: JSON Object id name description lat lng created created_by created_by_pretty edited edited_by edited_by_pretty chart type grade voters version properties rev Parameters: None. Status code: 200 on OK Example: http://marinwiki.se/api/v1.0/ports/5